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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Intel® Pentium® D Processor

Features and benefits

Revved up multitasking
With an Intel Pentium D processor-based PC featuring two full processing cores, you get the flexibility and performance to handle multimedia entertainment, digital photo editing, even multiple users, simultaneously.

Your PC gets resources for multitasking, and you get to accomplish more while running multiple applications, such as editing video while downloading music.
Built for advanced applications

Get the most out of your demanding, multi-threaded applications, perfect for the new world of immersive, high-end entertainment. The Intel Pentium D processor-based PC with Intel® dual-core processing technology provides the performance to take advantage of sophisticated gaming software which can result in realistic game environments and challenging game play.
Multiply your multimedia experience

Combined with a digital media adaptor and a home network, an Intel Pentium D processor-based PC allows two people to share the content from one PC - in the same room, or even from different places in the house. For example, one person can be checking email while the other uses a remote control to access digital photos stored on the same PC and view them on the TV from the comfort of their living room.
Products in action

* Get an edge on gaming
* Build your own creativity PC
* Plan your digital home


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